Detroit Auto Show and Exotic Brands – Commentary

For everyday drivers and enthusiasts alike, attending the auto show is a unique, one-a-year experience. As you step onto the plush carpet and into the obnoxiously bright spotlights, you enter a sort of a trance. The experience is almost a bit like a casino or amusement park; other-worldly. But despite all this glitz and glamour, there’s got to be some exotics for us to fantasize and drool over. Seeing as how Detroit has lost much of its “luster” in recent years (albeit it still has soul!), most exotic manufacturers have included the Detroit show in the fat they have trimmed amid a still shaky global economy. The Gallery is a logical answer to this problem: If you can’t house them with mainstream brands, put them in their own venue at lower costs. There is no doubt that slapping a $500 price tag on the ticket is efficient and convenient for potential customers and moneyed influencers (aka a good business decision), but what about the rest of us? This venue seems to take some of the romanticism out of the average Joe and his son getting a peek, which begs the question, how valuable are dreamers to the exotic auto industry’s marketing efforts?
Photo credits: http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.