Ten Ways To Spot A Gearhead In Real Life + Porsche 960 to use a quad-turbo flat 8?

There is a fairly wide spectrum of auto enthusiasts, with some having a passion for cars but little engineering knowledge and some with much engineering knowledge but little industry insight…and all sorts of other mixtures in between. Here at one of Club Sportiva’s clubhouses you’re sure to find a member that falls somewhere in that spectrum, but how can you gauge someone’s automotive knowledge and interest when out and about? Well, Jalopnik has put together a list of 10 ways to spot a gearhead out in the wild. Check out the list below:
1. Their knuckles are greasy from tinkering with the car over the weekend
2. They’re More Interested In Talking About Your Car Than Their Own
3. They Constantly Yearn For When Cars Were PURE And Old (great topic for a spirited conversation!)
4. They Know A Weber Is Not Used For Grilling
5. They Have An SCCA Sticker In The Window
6. They Have Hoonigan T-Shirt
7. They Know How A Rotary Works
8. They turn their heads at the sound of an engine
9. They Call Cars By Chassis Codes, Not By Model Names
10. They Know The Difference Between The Peace Symbol And The Mercedes Logo
By the way everyone, a rumor that the upcoming Porsche 960 (Ferrari Fighter) will be fitted with a quad-turbo flat 8. Yowza!
– Evan W.