Club Ambassador Highlights – “Hat-Trick-Heinz,” Our Sporting Ambassador

Karl-Heinz Lachnit is a business lawyer by day, but a sports and car fanatic all the time. While
Hat-Trick-Heinz is passionate about sports, he really mainly focuses on a few sports. Namely
soccer, soccer, more soccer, hockey, and of course car racing, whether it is NASCAR, yes, or,
F1. The typical always turning left in NASCAR has been somewhat debunked since the Save
Mart 350 makes a stop at Sonoma Raceway (at Sears Point) this coming weekend, and other
non-left turn oval tracks.
Being born and raised in the SF Bay Area and the first generation born in the US, Hat-Trick- Heinz
was not exposed to the typical sports here, but followed Formula 1 and soccer. Having a German father
and Chilean mother you would think Hat-Trick- Heinz would be an amazing soccer player, right?
Well, not exactly. You don’t have to be good at a sport to love it! This August 20, 2016 at the
Mountain Winery will be the fifth annual San Jose Earthquakes Wine and Dine where guests can
wine and dine with the San Jose Earthquakes players in a beautiful setting. More details on this
to come.
Of course, San Jose Earthquakes is a regular stop. Hockey is also a sport he is passionate about.
Although he bleeds teal, he is not just a “Sharks fan” but a hockey fan. This was an amazing
year to see our beloved Sharks for the first time play for the ever elusive Lord Stanley Cup.
Hat-Trick-Heinz is beyond an enthusiast when it comes to cars. He finally let his wife “agree” to
letting him build a track car…which happens to be a work in process for some time. He
purchased the ever omnipresent track car BMW e36 M3 in May of 2015 and has yet to see the track,
at least in this car. It is anticipated that sometime, maybe as early as fall, the M3 will be track
worthy and ready! We are looking to make this a Club Sportiva Membership track event when
we can all go out in a private track day and drive as much as we can take.