Club Membership – Did you know about these Member benefits?

As a reminder of some of our more substantial Member benefits, have a look at the following highlights:
1. The Club Sportiva App
Access the & view the latest vehicles, availability, Points balance, and more, by logging in through the Club Membership page.
2. Clubhouse Access
Each Clubhouse has a unique ambiance with a Member lounge, cigar room, game room, conference rooms, and more. Members may join Events held at the Clubhouses or simply come in for work away from the office, rest and relaxation, or socializing with fellow Members. Members may reserve vehicles at any of our locations in San Jose, Menlo
Park and Los Angeles, with complimentary pickup/drop-off at any of these Clubhouse locations.
3. West Coast Vehicle Delivery & the Unlimited Local Delivery Program
Members are able to request delivery to anywhere on the West Coast. Delivery fees start at 2,000 Points. For Members reserving vehicles on a regular basis, we have an unlimited delivery program to and from your designated address for only an additional $120/mo.
4. Access to our Members Only Forum
The Club Sportiva staff and Members regularly discuss recent car news, events, and more in our Facebook “secret forum.”
5. Access to Members Only Vehicles + the Complimentary Fiat 500e
Members have the ability to reserve vehicles such as the highly-tuned Noble M400 that are unavailable to Non-Members. Members must have 3 successful outings prior to driving a Members Only vehicle.
Furthermore, the Club provides Members with complimentary access to the electric Fiat 500e for up to 2 days per month.
6. CarShare
Would you like to share an exotic, sports, or luxury car or SUV with the Club and gain access to the entire fleet? How about earning a return on a capital investment? We have three models that enable Members to participate with a CarShare vehicle. Depending on the program, benefits and cost savings include not having to pay sales tax on the purchase of a vehicle, no cost to insure, maintain, store, and/or detail the vehicle; as the Club handles it all!
7. FlightShare
We’ve introduced FlightShare, a novel way to fly with your Member Points to a growing list of West Coast destinations without any of the hassles associated with traditional airports.
Members have the opportunity to utilize their Points on our ever expanding list of Member services. This allows Members to consolidate their travel plans and have Club Sportiva act as an intermediary to reduce costs and save you time.
If you are interested in taking advantage of FlightShare or learn more about other Member services, contact your Member Liaison through the app or via email.
8. Corporate Events & Private Parties:
Members receive discounted Clubhouse rental rates for private events and parties. For exclusive use of our San Jose/Silicon Valley and Los Angeles Clubhouses, Members may reserve the Clubhouse at a starting rate of 2500 Points/hour.