Membership Referral Contest ending April 30th 2018

Our second Member Referral Contest will start today and will end on the 30th of April. As we had success with the last contest, and many Members received significant value, we hope that this contest will get more Members involved. Our continued goal with Member growth will inevitably bring the benefit of more cars, events and of course, friends! The prize for this contest will include 3 days, 200 miles in the Club car of your choice, as well as a hotel stay in Napa Valley. As a reference from our last contest, Randy Sicairos won the contest with 3 Member referrals, receiving 30K Points in referrals, 3 days in the McLaren 570s (36K Points) and a 2 night stay with our Partner, Auberge Carmel (~$1,000 value).
We have implemented an easy referral link on the Club Sportiva-App (CS-App, web application) to make it easier for Members to refer in friends. To refer and sponsor your friends, you will need to log in to the CS-App at the following link. If you have trouble logging in, please contact the Member Liaison team at
Once logged in, you will need to access your profile, by clicking the drop down menu located by your name at the top of the page. When you have opened your profile, you will see a “Refer a Friend” icon that you may click.
On the “Refer a Friend” page, there are multiple options for sending out the referral link.
You can do the following:
1) Copy the referral link, and paste it directly into your email to send out.
2) Click the Facebook icon to post on you Timeline
3) Click the Facebook Messenger icon, to share via Messenger
4) Click the Twitter icon, to Tweet out the message
5) Send directly from the CS-App by adding your contact emails into the “To:” field. These emails will be sent from a no-reply address from Club Sportiva.
We have setup an anonymous tracking code unique to each Member so that any Membership applications coming in from your efforts are tracked accordingly!
Any incoming referrals starting today will be tracked towards the contest!
-Mike Johnson
Director of Operations