Delorean, DeLorean or De Lorean?

Obama’s presidential limousine is not the only car making marks on the streets of Northern Ireland this week (take a look at this video); the infamous DeLorean (yes, this is the correct […]

Detroit Auto Show and Exotic Brands – Commentary

For everyday drivers and enthusiasts alike, attending the auto show is a unique, one-a-year experience.  As you step onto the plush carpet and into the obnoxiously bright spotlights, you enter […]

Do convertible tops have a place on exotic cars? Yes.

The convertible top has induced a love, hate relationship with many enthusiasts.  The theory of a topless automobile was birthed early in automotive history and has persisted to this day.  […]

Don’t underestimate this Volvo 240

One car that seems to bring nostalgia to everyone that grew up in the 80s is the Volvo 240s. Regardless of the guise it was in, it’s sole purpose was […]
