If Ferrari Doesn’t Approve Of Your Design Their Lawyers Will Make Your Website…

An interesting story has recently surfaced, and is one that reminds us not to mess with brand names and copyrights, especially when it’s Ferrari.  At first we thought the title […]

First drive: 2016 Mazda MX-5

The completely redesigned Mazda Miata is an automotive unicorn. Not only is it significantly lighter than the car it replaces by an astonishing 200lbs, it is also shorter in length […]

A Hybrid Future for Supercars

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be the baddest supercar of them all? Alright, Disney references aside, what does the future hold for the worlds most coveted motor sports and supercar brands? In one word, it is nothing short of electrifying. The future of high-end sports cars and their respective brands’ intentions can in some ways be left in the dark because of how intriguing, powerful, and advanced their current models already are. But no need to dig very deep to get an accurate and informative perspective on how hybrid technology is making its way out of economy class and into first. Read more inside.

My Driving Experience with a Lamborghini Murcielago

Where do I start when describing my experiences with an ultimate exotic car? Let me start by clarifying my driving experiences with the 2004 Lamborghini Murcielago e.gear involve driving the […]