A Hybrid Future for Supercars

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be the baddest supercar of them all? Alright, Disney references aside, what does the future hold for the worlds most coveted motor sports and supercar brands? In one word, it is nothing short of electrifying. The future of high-end sports cars and their respective brands’ intentions can in some ways be left in the dark because of how intriguing, powerful, and advanced their current models already are. But no need to dig very deep to get an accurate and informative perspective on how hybrid technology is making its way out of economy class and into first. Read more inside.

The Best of the Best in Our Backyard: California Roads

When all is said and done, a memorable, heart warming (or heart racing, depending on the size of your lead foot) driving experience encompasses the term, “the whole is greater […]

Exotic SUV’s and how we may come to embrace them

The time has come, Bentley has debuted an official effort at entering the growing and often criticized luxury SUV market.  Although we have seen the luxury SUV market thrive for over […]

Commentary: 2013 SRT Viper

“Is This The 2013 SRT Viper?” microsoft office home and business prices http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1073314_is-this-the-2013-srt-viper Well, the wraps seem to have come off the new 2013 Viper from the most unexpected source: […]