Griot’s Garage

If you’re a dyed-in-the-wool car enthusiast, one who would rather detail their own Porsche rather than let another touch it, and have a fondness for tools, gadgets and automotive accouterments […]

What type of sports car are you into?

And the nominees are… Drop Top – The Driver Profile: Sunshine junkie. Easy – any car with a removable roof when a fixed roof car just misses the mark, every […]

Lamborghini four door? Yes…Estoque

Surprisingly and somewhat amazingly, Lamborghini unveiled a new car today for the Paris Auto show – the Estoque. And shockingly, it has four doors. This news is as big as […]

Is the New Jaguar XF a Stunning Looker or a Derivative Poser?

Taking a cue from my 24/7 blog mate Torbin, I’ve decided to lead with a more provocative post title prompted by my first live sighting of the new Jaguar XF […]