A Look at High-Performance Subsidiaries

High performance subsidiaries have spiced up our favorite luxury titans for a few decades now, giving us singular-letter indication that “sleepers” really do exist and also heating up competition among […]

The Modern GT: Gran Turismo or Glitched Translation?

The identity of the “GT,” or Grand Touring vehicle has seemingly been blurred in today’s automotive landscape as the main tenets ofthis identity, power and luxury, are applied to more […]

Another Look at Luxury

Luxury: “A material object conducive to sumptuous living, rather than a necessity…a pleasure out of the ordinary allowed to oneself.”  This comprehensive description from Dictionary.com may already speak to your current […]

Detroit Auto Show and Exotic Brands – Commentary

For everyday drivers and enthusiasts alike, attending the auto show is a unique, one-a-year experience.  As you step onto the plush carpet and into the obnoxiously bright spotlights, you enter […]