The Challenges of Driving South of the Border

This past Thanksgiving I spent a week in the Mexican village of Ajijic, located on northwest shore Lake Chapala, about 45 minutes south of Guadalajara. We rented a car (an […]

The Business of Turning Beautiful Into Stunning

What comes to mind when you think of the word “coach builder?” A literal dissection brings up an age old practice (approximately 400 years) of constructing horse-drawn carriages which has its roots in Great Britain. As coach building manifested itself in early automobiles, it continued to revolve around one-of-a-kind chassis and body formations, which was the only option in the very early days of the automobile. But, now we have outstandingly advanced machinery and human expertise in the manufacturing of automobiles, so where might coach building find a place in the 21st century?

The Best of the Best in Our Backyard: California Roads

When all is said and done, a memorable, heart warming (or heart racing, depending on the size of your lead foot) driving experience encompasses the term, “the whole is greater […]

The Audi R8 Supercar

As Audi progressed into the new millennium, its place on the podium among German luxury marques still firmly in tact, one thing seemed to be missing: a supercar. While its […]