Dear Audi R8, Where Did You Come From?

We look into our Audi R8’s menacing eyes and think, where did you come from?  Your competitors were born from direct predecessors, but what about you?  There’s no doubt that […]

Debunking the Gas Email

Yesterday a good friend forwarded to me (and at least a dozen other buddies) an email with this subject line “Interesting news on pumping gas”. Purported to be from a […]

Delorean, DeLorean or De Lorean?

Obama’s presidential limousine is not the only car making marks on the streets of Northern Ireland this week (take a look at this video); the infamous DeLorean (yes, this is the correct […]

Detroit Auto Show and Exotic Brands – Commentary

For everyday drivers and enthusiasts alike, attending the auto show is a unique, one-a-year experience.  As you step onto the plush carpet and into the obnoxiously bright spotlights, you enter […]