Remembering Ferdinand Alexander Porsche

Imagine the mindset of Henry Ford shortly before his death as he gazed around at his surroundings, realizing that he had changed the way humans would lead their lives forever; the sense of accomplishment would he so high that it would almost be humbling. One of the most influential manipulators of Ford’s automobile is Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, who recently died on April 5th. Lauded for designing the iconic Porsche 911, auto consumers, enthusiasts and racers alike can see the value and impact of this man’s vision every time a Porsche zooms by.

Lexus LF-LC likely to be produced as an F-Sport range-topper

Rumors, rumors, rumors…sometimes empty speculation, sometimes meaty facts.  In the end, when it comes to new sports cars, there’s nothing like a good cup of tea.  So, now that we’ve […]

Porsche Cayman S

Tour the Cayman S’s front, side and rear surfaces with your eyes, and you immediately sense Porsche’s love of curves. The body’s muscular, sculpted features are thought by some to […]

Mercedes-Benz E350 BlueTec

Mercedes Benz and diesel motors have a long history together providing the combination of luxury and economy for generations.  With the latest E350 Bluetec Mercedes has refined this formula and […]