A “Noble” Addition to the Club Sportiva Lineup

Take these attributes into consideration: 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, 1/4 mile in 11.4 seconds, 187 mph at the top, and 109 feet from 60 to stop. These are numbers that rival some of our top-notch vehicles like our Ferrari 458 Italia rental or Porsche 911 Turbo rental. But, these figures are actually coming from a smaller, lighter, less powerful, and less expensive vehicle, our Noble M400.


Commentary: Lotus and Mansory

The bespoke revolution continues on. No matter the brand, unmodified versions of our favorite supercars just aren’t making the cut in the marketplace these days. This partnership between Lotus and Mansory, though, seems a bit odd at face value.

The Inner Intrigue of Exotic Cars

What makes an exotic car, well, exotic to you? Is it the grueling attention to detail, legitimacy on the track, or purely just the brand? Or maybe you base it on the level of “ooh’s” and “aww’s” it can garner from the public. When all is said and done, most enthusiasts would agree that a beautiful exotic or luxury automobile maintains its supremacy in the automotive space due to a mixture of these elements. Let’s take a look at these elements to better understand what makes our collection of exotic auto rentals so coveted.

A Hybrid Future for Supercars

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be the baddest supercar of them all? Alright, Disney references aside, what does the future hold for the worlds most coveted motor sports and supercar brands? In one word, it is nothing short of electrifying. The future of high-end sports cars and their respective brands’ intentions can in some ways be left in the dark because of how intriguing, powerful, and advanced their current models already are. But no need to dig very deep to get an accurate and informative perspective on how hybrid technology is making its way out of economy class and into first. Read more inside.