The Coveted Porsche 911 Turbo

Hearing the name conjures up auditory sensations of a guttural yet twangy engine note, with a splash of turbo hiss.  This description may sound more like a fine dining experience […]

To Install Tubi Exhaust or Not?

Certain cars sound incredible with stock exhaust and others, well, let’s just say they are too subdued. Tubi is an Italian exhaust maker who I always consider installing on many […]

Italian Automaker ATS Coming Back

Not too long ago we posed our fans with the question of which failed exotic automaker they wish would come back.  Well, the obscure Italian ATS (Automobili Turismo e Sport) […]

Will Porsche 911 Design Direction Change Radically Soon?

The Porsche 911 is a good looking and endearing car to drive. Most anyone who has shared wheel time knows that the 911 has personality and character that is missing […]