Urban Daddy spotlights Club Sportiva – Marina del Rey

The online gentleman’s paradise, Urban Daddy, has recently published a spotlight on Club Sportiva, Marina del Rey, in its Leisure section.  Whether it be learning about the latest & greatest […]

USC Auto Club visits ClubSportiva

This winter season, we were honored to host the USC Auto Club at our Marina Del Rey clubhouse in Southern California.  The day started with some fresh food and refreshments, and […]

Watch this Valet Ruin a Lamborghini and This Test Driver Wreck a Ferrari

It’s not all that often that a valet ruins a Lamborghini. Sure you might see some get knocked into a pole or accidentally swing a door into a wall but […]

What is Tesla doing looking for autonomous driving engineers?

The auto indust How To Get Your Ex Back When He Has Moved On Long Distance ry is no exception when it comes to research and spying for the purpose […]