Ultra-extreme, 1,500hp Bugatti Veyron under consideration

The Bugatti Veyron has long been a car of many variations, all of which are underpinned by the cars massive 16-liter motor and “fastest production car” accolade (we’re politely disregarding Hennessey Performance for a moment). There has been peeps and whispers at an even more “super” Veyron, and now with the car’s production run nearing the end of the tunnel, we’re thinking this possibility has a strong chance. But, how much more powerful and extreme do you ask? How does 1,500 horsepower sound? Believe it. This ‘ultra-extreme’ (boy, that has an intriguing ring to it) Veyron would act as the farewell model to the Veyron’s lifespan and truly test the upper limits of its quad-turbo W-16. Weight would be reduced to possibly under the 3,800 lb. mark that the SuperSport hits. A more potent motor and less weight could mean 280 mph for an final Veyron. Bring it on!
– Evan W.
Full story at Left Lane News