Club Sportiva pioneered Car Sharing in 2003.

Share an exotic, sports, or luxury vehicle and gain access to the entire Club Sportiva collection with our exclusive CarShare programs. These programs either provide access to other vehicles or financial benefits, such as savings on depreciation, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and even storage of the vehicle.
Car Sharing Programs
• LeaseShare
If you finance, lease, or own your vehicle and want to share your car with Club Sportiva, this is your ideal option. Depending on the vehicle model, you may be eligible to have any payments partially covered, fully covered, or accrue Points to utilize on vehicles.
• PointShare
Transfer a car you already own or would like to purchase into the Club Sportiva Collection and gain access to Collection. When the vehicle is utilized by clients for an outing, you will accrue 50% of that value as Points. These Points can be used to book outings on any Club Sportiva vehicle. In addition, you’ll receive complimentary access to the vehicle you have shared.
If neutralizing depreciation is your cup of tea, you can provide Club Sportiva a short term loan towards the purchase of an exotic that you and Club Sportiva agree upon. You’ll be guaranteed a rate of return of up to prime on the loan, with complimentary access to the investment vehicle a few times a month.
Call us to be connected with our CarShare team. (866)719-1600