The Ferrari 458 Italia

Amid wild speculation, renderings and expected fervor over a new member of the Ferrari family, out comes the 458 Italia. Described by Ferrari chairman di Motezemolo himself as “the most […]

The Inner Intrigue of Exotic Cars

What makes an exotic car, well, exotic to you? Is it the grueling attention to detail, legitimacy on the track, or purely just the brand? Or maybe you base it on the level of “ooh’s” and “aww’s” it can garner from the public. When all is said and done, most enthusiasts would agree that a beautiful exotic or luxury automobile maintains its supremacy in the automotive space due to a mixture of these elements. Let’s take a look at these elements to better understand what makes our collection of exotic auto rentals so coveted.

The Japanese Supercar

Why are we so intrigued by a Japanese supercar?  When a new one comes about (which isn’t often), it either becomes an instant classic or becomes inherently rare.  When it […]

The Last Ride – Ayrton Senna, the world’s finest driver, died in a…

Tonight, Club Sportiva will be attending the opening night of the movie Senna, a documentary about Brazilian Formula One racing driver Ayrton Senna, who won the world championship three times.  […]