Urban Daddy spotlights Club Sportiva – Marina del Rey

The online gentleman’s paradise, Urban Daddy, has recently published a spotlight on Club Sportiva, Marina del Rey, in its Leisure section.  Whether it be learning about the latest & greatest […]

What type of sports car are you into?

And the nominees are… Drop Top – The Driver Profile: Sunshine junkie. Easy – any car with a removable roof when a fixed roof car just misses the mark, every […]

What’s next for Jaguar after the F-Type? A small sedan and a utility…

With the grand unveiling of the Jaguar F-Type over (along with its $70k starting price), some are wondering exactly where the F-Type fits in the Jaguar lineup, and even more-so […]

Tesla unveils free Supercharger fast-charging station

We’re big fans of Tesla, and after driving our Tesla Roadster you would be too.  The thrust and agility of the car is intoxicating and we associate these attributes with […]