What Kind of Gas Mileage do Exotics Really Get?

This is a great question, especially these days with fuel prices at record highs and the environmental green movement breathing down our collective-car-nut-necks. To some, this post will be as […]

What Options to Get if Buying a Ferrari F430

Not long ago I had the good fortune of buying a new Ferrari F430 for Club Sportiva. Our Members had let us know that they wanted, no, make that needed, […]

What type of sports car are you into?

And the nominees are… Drop Top – The Driver Profile: Sunshine junkie. Easy – any car with a removable roof when a fixed roof car just misses the mark, every […]

What’s Parked in my Dream Garage?

A few of my car buddies and I have played this game over the past 10 years. Join along and tell me what is parked in your dream garage. Dream […]