Lotus Elise

Our upgraded Elise with aftermarket exhaust and suspension, the ultimate corner carver! Even more agile and razor sharp, and sounds fantastic. The Elise takes Lotus back to its no nonsense […]

Luxury bubble pod inflates outdoors and acts an extension of your living room

Consider this, you love being outdoors, but don’t find sitting in the wind, wet, cold, or even extreme head particularly comfortable. The solution is clear: The Casa Bubble. Inflate one […]

Luxury Car Rentals: A Necessity, Not A Luxury

What determines a “luxury car” to you?  Does it imply swaths of the finest hides, name-brand options and exceptional service?  Or perhaps it could just mean having ample power and […]

Man drives Rolls-Royce for 78 years then makes museum donation to ensure its…

A hard-working man by the name of Allen Swift passed away at the age of 102 in Masschussets back in 2005.  While this feat in and of itself is worthy […]