Porsche Cayman GT4 in Yellow

Porsche Cayman GT4 – a 911 killer?

The Porsche Cayman GT4 is in the delivery process to several lucky owners throughout the United States. The car is sold out, and unfortunately we couldn’t get our hands on […]

Chris Harris’ Bugatti EB110 SuperSport Dream

Chris Harris has driven many of the world’s most spectacular cars. The McLaren P1, Leffari, Porsche 918, Ferrari F40, you name it, he’s been behind the wheel, and probably slid […]

Cadillac has solved its identity crisis

It’s a great time to be an auto enthusiast, especially if you are fan of the Big Three Automakers in Detroit. After the rough and tumultuous period endured by them […]

The 2016 Audi S8 Plus – German for very fast

The Audi S8 was introduced in a land of AMG Mercedes and faired well with suitable power and luxury to spare, allowing the S8 to beat its rivals in every […]