Jaguar C-X75’s Engine Could Make it to Production

We recently reported that Jag’s sultry C-X75 hypercar wouldn’t make it into production, but did you really think such an ambitious concept from Jag would just turn to dust?  As […]

Happy 60th Birthday, Corvette!

With so much history and such a solid place in the heart of American sports car heritage, it seems as though every additional year the Corvette is burning rubber is […]

C7 Corvette production to kick off with Premiere Edition

Without further ado, let the new 2014 Corvette hit the road!  And the new sports car icon won’t be hitting the road in any normal fashion, nope, the streets will […]

TVR’s New Owner Reveals Details On Future Sports Car plans

Do you remember the storied British exotic car brand, TVR, of recent past?  Many enthusiasts will offer up an ‘of course’ style response, but even if the top-of-mind associations of […]