My Wonderful Troubled Weekend with the Tesla S, Part 1

Our valued Club Sportiva member, Rob Enderle, recently reviewed our Tesla Model S High Performance for Tech Zone 360. Take a look at the first part below: I belong to […]

Is this proof of a hybrid Nissan GT-R?

Hybrid platforms creeping into high-performance cars is a trend we’ve commented on for some time now, and one that continues to make our afvorite brands more & more exciting.  You […]

Bentley Looking to Expand its Lineup in the Coming Years

You heard right, Bentley is expanding their lineup!  Ultra-lux brands like Bentley and Rolls-Royce have always been notorious for very limited line-ups, but as moneyed interests also expand their interests […]

22 world premieres planned for LA show

Being an organization native to California, Club Sportiva always anticipates the L.A. Auto Show and sees it as the mark of the Fall season for us with fuel instead of […]