The Coveted Porsche 911 Turbo

Hearing the name conjures up auditory sensations of a guttural yet twangy engine note, with a splash of turbo hiss.  This description may sound more like a fine dining experience […]

Supercars in 2012: Evolution vs. Revolution

Well, a new year is upon us and the exotic auto industry seems to be keeping a comparable pace.  As mainstream brands continue to increase power ratings among their lineups, […]

Saab lost its place on the road, but not in our memory

Well, the Swedes have lost a major presence in the luxury automotive market, and in automotive history as a whole, with the bankruptcy filing of its Saab brand.  Recent memory […]

Luxury Car Rentals: A Necessity, Not A Luxury

What determines a “luxury car” to you?  Does it imply swaths of the finest hides, name-brand options and exceptional service?  Or perhaps it could just mean having ample power and […]